Step-by-Step Guide to Switching NDIS Plan Managers

 Choosing the right NDIS Plan Manager is an important decision, as they play a crucial role in managing your funding and ensuring that your services are delivered efficiently. However, if you feel that your current Plan Manager isn't meeting your expectations or your needs have changed, you may want to switch to a new provider. Switching NDIS Plan Management is a straightforward process, but it's important to follow a few key steps to ensure a smooth transition. In this blog, we’ll provide a step-by-step guide to help you change your NDIS Plan Manager.

1. Evaluate Your Reasons for Switching

Before making the decision to switch Plan Managers, it's important to assess the reasons behind your dissatisfaction or desire for a change. Consider whether the issues you’re facing can be resolved with your current Plan Manager. Common reasons for switching may include:

Poor communication or lack of responsiveness

Inaccurate or delayed invoice processing

Difficulty accessing budget information or reports

Lack of transparency about how funds are being managed

Limited understanding of your needs and goals

If you’ve already addressed these concerns with your Plan Manager and haven’t seen improvements, it may be time to move on to a new provider who can better meet your needs.

2. Research and Compare New Plan Managers

Once you’ve decided to switch, the next step is to find a new Plan Manager who will provide the level of service and support you’re looking for. Research and compare different Plan Managers by considering factors such as:

Experience: How long has the Plan Manager been working in the NDIS space? Do they have a strong track record of managing funds effectively?

Communication: Do they offer clear and regular communication? Are they responsive to your questions and concerns?

Transparency: Do they provide real-time access to your budget and spending reports? Are they clear about fees and services?

Flexibility: Are they flexible in terms of working with non-registered providers? Can they tailor their services to meet your specific needs?

Reputation: What do other participants say about their services? Look for reviews or testimonials that can provide insight into the Plan Manager’s reliability and customer satisfaction.

Once you’ve narrowed down your options, reach out to potential Plan Managers to ask any additional questions and ensure they’re a good fit for you.

3. Notify Your Current Plan Manager

After selecting a new Plan Manager, you’ll need to notify your current Plan Manager of your decision to switch. It's important to check the terms of your agreement with your current provider to understand any notice period or requirements for termination. Typically, you’ll need to provide written notice, and the notice period can range from a few days to a few weeks.

In your notification, clearly state your decision to switch and provide details about when you’d like the transition to occur. Be professional and courteous in your communication, as maintaining a positive relationship with your NDIS Plan Management can help ensure a smooth handover of your records and financial information.

4. Inform the NDIS of the Change

Once you’ve notified your current Plan Manager, you’ll need to inform the NDIS of your decision to change providers. You can do this by contacting the National Disability Insurance Agency (NDIA) directly or by working with your Local Area Coordinator (LAC) or NDIS planner.

To make the switch, the NDIA will need the details of your new Plan Manager, including their business name and NDIS registration number. They’ll update your plan accordingly and notify both your current and new Plan Managers of the change.

5. Set Up the Transition with Your New Plan Manager

Once the NDIS has processed the change, your new Plan Manager will contact you to set up your account and begin managing your funding. During this step, you’ll need to:

Provide any necessary documentation or personal details, such as your NDIS plan and current budget.

Review and sign a service agreement with your new Plan Manager, outlining their fees and the services they will provide.

Discuss your goals and expectations, so your new Plan Manager has a clear understanding of your needs.

Establish a communication plan, including how often you’d like to receive updates and reports on your spending.

Your new Plan Manager should work closely with you during this period to ensure everything is in place for a smooth transition.

6. Review Your Final Statement from Your Old Plan Manager

Once the switch is in progress, your old Plan Manager will prepare a final statement outlining all invoices paid, your remaining budget, and any outstanding payments that need to be processed. This final statement will be shared with both you and your new Plan Manager to ensure a clear transfer of financial records.

It’s important to review this statement carefully to make sure everything is accurate. If you notice any discrepancies or missing payments, address them with your old Plan Manager before the transition is complete.

7. Notify Your Service Providers

After switching Plan Managers, you’ll need to inform your service providers about the change. Let them know the details of your new Plan Manager, including how to send invoices for payment. Your new Plan Manager will often help facilitate this process, ensuring that all providers are aware of the change and continue to receive payments without disruption.

Make sure your service providers know the start date for the new Plan Manager to avoid any overlap or confusion during the transition period.

8. Confirm the Transfer is Complete

Once your new Plan Manager has fully taken over and all service providers have been informed, it’s a good idea to confirm that the transfer has been completed smoothly. Check your account or budget report with the new Plan Manager to make sure all of your funds have been transferred accurately and that there are no issues with invoice processing.

If everything looks good, you can officially close the chapter with your old Plan Manager and start working with your new one.


Switching NDIS Plan Managers doesn’t have to be a complicated process. By following these steps and communicating clearly with both your current and new Plan Managers, you can ensure a smooth transition without disruption to your services or funding. The key is to do your research, stay organized, and make sure both the NDIS and your service providers are informed throughout the process. With the right Plan Manager, you can feel confident that your NDIS funds are being managed effectively and in line with your goals.


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